faq - dignity bags

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Dignity Bags: $10 per bag
  • Period Pouches (bags for people who experience periods): $5 per bag

We believe in doing good for our earth. All Dignity Bags are biodegradable.

All Dignity Bags are biodegradable bags with handles that include:

  • Socks 
  • Toothbrush 
  • Toothpaste 
  • Mylar Thermal Blanket or Mylar Sleeping Bag 
  • Foldable Fan
  • Floss 
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant 
  • Soap
  • Period Products* (Pads) 
  • Wet Ones or Wipes
  • Belvita Crackers or a Granola Bar 
  • Mott’s Fruit Gummies or a  Lollipop 
  • Tuna Kit 
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Kleenex
  • Rain Poncho
  • Chapstick
  • Printed resource for Food, Clothing, Showers, and more. 

*Contents for the Period Pouches only

Short answer… Dignity matters. If it were you receiving the bag, would you want an off brand item or something that felt like an after thought? This may be the only kindness a person receives and we want it to feel intentional. A list of items we accept as in kind donations and what we include in our bags can be found HERE


  • Individuals: All you have to do is practice “heads up” commuting which is looking for an opportunity to be generous and then engage from a place of intentional connection.  
  • Corporations: Option 1) Make a tax deductible donation and then completed Dignity Bags will be sent on your companies behalf to City Relief or an approved organization who support those who are  experiencing homelessness or living below the poverty line. Option 2) a tax deductible donation can be made and we can organize a Volunteer Day at your company so that employees can pack Dignity Bags to donate. Please contact us for more information if you prefer this option. 
  • Churches/Ministries/Schools: Host an In Kind Donation Drive using our curated list of items and/or make a tax deductible donation. We will organize a Volunteer Day for your organization to pack bags to donate and then hand out. Please contact us for more information.
  • What’s your name? My name is…. 

  • What do your friends call you? Mine call me…  

  • What would life look like if everything went right for you for 6 months? 

  • What are you passionate about? 

  • What’s making life challenging right now? Can I pray for you? 
  • What are your top 3 feelings in this moment? 
  • If you are asked for money and don’t/can’t give money. You can say:  I don’t normally give money but, I have this Dignity Bag. Would you like this? 

  • If you are interested in hosting an In Kind Donation, you will need to work with our team ahead of time and we will let you know how much of each item is needed to create the desired amount of bags. We always want to make sure the items come from our curated list and that we don’t have more of one item and less of another. If this happens, we won’t be able to complete the desired amount of bags.
  • Individuals will be able to receive Dignity Bags by volunteering at our events, making a tax deductible donation and/or participating in an In Kind Donation event.
  • All In Kind donations purchased on our wishlist or donated at our in person events are tax deductible and a receipt can be found here

Note: At this time, we do not ship Dignity Bags and all bags for indiviudals will need to be picked up at event locations in New York City.